Painted Peace Blog RSS

eARTh, heart, natural wood, original, wood -

Alexa play "What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong I love this collection! Such a beautiful tribute to the incredible eARTh we live on. This shows only 3 of the 6 poles within the collection - you can see more here: Enjoy 💚 - Hannah

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art pole, painted peace, peace, pole, rainbow -

I woke up feeling hopeful. I don't know why but I just did! And coming into work at Painted Peace, there are pieces all over that can drive that point home. Believe In The Good! Hope! Unity! We're All In This Together! Peace!! It's one of the many perks of working here. I'm grateful! - Hannah

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art pole, mom, mothers day, pole, spring -

Although it doesn't totally feel like it yet, it's nice to know that we're officially in Spring 💐 Nothing much to report today. I'm listening to 70's Groove Music while fulfilling orders and it's pretty great. Hope you're having a beautiful day! - Hannah

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burning, natural wood, wood -

I first draw my composition out in pencil on wood.  Then I burn it into the wood.  This will be painted tomorrow and you'll see it on "something" January 2022 in stores across the US

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door mat, doormat, painted peace, peace -

Today is a pretty big day unpacking all the boxes we received from Studio M yesterday and continuing to fulfill orders with 20" Poles that have finally arrived to the studio. Such a breath of relief to get these orders done and these poles back in stock!  - Hannah

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